The Office Dynamics’ Annual Conference for Administrative Excellence is a way I am reminded of the value of networking with your peers. I realize, though, this is not easy for everyone.
I’d like to share an excerpt from my book Who Took My Pen…Again? In hopes that you will see there is more to it. If you can shift your focus as mentioned below, you will be on your way to meeting new and exciting people.
You are someone others should meet. You are valuable and you have something to contribute. You could make a tremendous difference just be being friendly and meeting new people.
Why? At its very base, business is about connecting people. As you learn and become more comfortable connecting to people and then connecting people you know together, you will become a strategic networker. And that can easily translate into knowledge and opportunity.
The biggest obstacle to networking is insecurity. Too many people do not stretch themselves beyond their tiny comfort zones. These people prize safety and sameness. At meetings, they always sit with the same co-worker. They carpool to offsite meetings with that same person. They do not carry business cards. They arrive at meetings just on time, take a seat and speak to no one. They cling to what is safe and comfortable and miss opportunities to make new friends, find jobs, learn information that could help them and more.
It really boils down to this: you are worth meeting. You are worth knowing. You have something vital to share that no one else can: your perspective. If you withhold that from the world, it will be a smaller, sadder place. You belong to the world, so be willing to share yourself by becoming a good network aficionado.
Best of luck!