<Guest Blog Post by Judi Moreo>
One of the biggest assets any Administrative Assistant can have is the understanding that her personal growth is her responsibility. This may mean attending training programs to increase your skills. Very often your companies will pay for these courses if your employer sees the benefit to the company for you to have the training. It is your responsibility to source the training you need and bring it to the attention of your employer. Yet, personal development can also mean that you increase your knowledge and skills by taking the initiative to read books, listen to audio tapes, read trade magazines, and be constantly observant of your surroundings.
Having a mentor will help an assistant develop skills. Mentors are people who possess skills, knowledge, and attributes that you would like to also possess. They are people you know personally who are willing to give you advice and feedback on your performance. In every organization, there is a person in a powerful position who would be honored to share knowledge with you, if only he or she knew you were interested.
You can grow a great deal as well by networking. This means making regular contact with people who have similar interests. They could be people who work in your organization or people you meet by attending meetings of professional organizations. After meeting the person, keep in touch by dropping a note or making a call. This will help you build your network. Through networking contacts, you will often be able to obtain valuable information or discover pitfalls which you will want to avoid.
If you don’t already have one, put together a plan for your own personal development. In this way, you’ll be able to focus on definite objectives as well as track and measure your progress. When you take responsibility for your own development, it shows others that you are serious about your growth and your career.
You have taken ownership of your career and professional development by taking the time to read and participate in this blog-a-thon. What’s one additional thing you can do in the future for your personal growth?
About our guest blogger:
Judi Moreo is one of America’s foremost Personal Growth experts and the author of You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power.
See Judi at the 22nd Annual Conference for Administrative Excellence [The Resilient Assistant].
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