The Art of Accepting Positive Feedback


<Guest Post by Judi Moreo>

How are you accepting feedback? Positive feedback, that is.

It’s amazing how few people know how to handle positive feedback.  Actually, it’s as much of an art as handling criticism. And, how you handle it will determine how much more of it you receive.

If someone says thank you to you for something you went out of your way to do for them, for goodness sake, don’t say, “It wasn’t anything,” “It was no big deal,” or ”Oh, anyone could have done it.” It will seem as though the thank you that was given wasn’t really necessary, so next time the person may not feel the need to say thank you.   Say instead, “Thank you.  I am so glad you noticed.”

If the person writes you a letter, memo, or email thanking you for something you did, it is good manners to acknowledge it with a card, return email, or phone call and once again, all you need to say is, “I received your letter and would like to let you know that I so appreciate you noticing my efforts.”

We all like to hear when we are doing well.  It lets us know our work is appreciated.  Unfortunately, we tend to receive more negative feedback than positive.  That is why it is so important to acknowledge the positive feedback when you receive it and reinforce its importance to the person who gave it.

Is accepting feedback difficult for you? How do you respond to positive feedback?


Judi Moreo is one of America’s foremost Personal Development experts and the author of the best selling book, You Are More Than Enough:  Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power and its companion, the Achievement Journal. Click here to learn more about Judi.

Judi Moreo will be speaking at the 22nd Annual Conference for Administrative Excellence: The Resilient Assistant.

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Priscilla Pfeiffer

Priscilla Pfeiffer

Speaker | Entertainer | Trainer | TEDx Speaker

You Don’t Matter, Or Do You?

In today’s fast-paced business world, the role of administrative and executive assistants is more crucial than ever in driving innovation and positive change within organizations. However, a common pitfall is that many organizations dive headfirst into radical change without first understanding the heart of the people responsible for implementing it. This dynamic keynote, which includes mesmerizing entertainment elements, will shine a light on the transformative power of seemingly insignificant actions, inspiring you to take the first step towards positioning yourself as a key catalyst to SPARK success.

In this session, you will…

  • Discover how small, intentional actions can have a ripple effect. 
  • Gain strategies for positioning yourself for success within your teams and organizations.
  • Feel empowered to become a catalyst for positive change within your respective spheres, without the burnout.
  • Be inspired to initiate bold actions that can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

Priscilla Pfeiffer, a seasoned professional, boasts a two-decade career in entertainment and business. Her unique show business background allows her to craft mesmerizing performances, leaving enduring memories. Focused on delivering resonant and empowering messages that inspire audiences to make an impact in the world, she illuminates individuals to unlock their full potential in both personal and professional lives.

Renowned for creating “wow factor” moments, Priscilla has an esteemed clientele, including brands like BMW, LinkedIn, iHeart Radio, Michael Jordan’s Air Jordans, Pfizer, Bacardi, Cosmo Latina Magazine, and Zappos. Her impressive credits include sharing the stage with Joan Jett, Will-i-am, Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias, and Marc Anthony, as well as performances on America’s Got Talent, The Latin Grammy Awards, The NHL Awards, Comic Relief, and Celebrity Cruises. Priscilla has also graced the prestigious TEDx stage, where she delivered a compelling talk that resonated with audiences, showcasing her ability to captivate and inspire on a global platform.

In addition, Priscilla hosts the podcast “Spark Your Inner Fire” which delves into the creative mind, torching the inner critic, and reigniting purpose. Through interviews with world-renowned creatives, she shares stories and wisdom, illuminating listeners on their journeys.

In essence, Priscilla Pfeiffer is not only a veteran but a trailblazer whose performances consistently inspire, motivate, and create lasting impressions.